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Proposed transmission lines getting off the ground
Transmission line extensions to take electricity from a planned power plant to the Toledo Edison grid has been proposed in Oregon.
The project to build two 750-foot-long transmission lines off Cedar Point Road near North Lallendorf Road would cost $2.4 million.
American Transmission Systems Inc., owned by FirstEnergy Corp. as is Toledo Edison, filed a proposal with the Ohio Power Siting Board last week to build the line extensions that will conduct high-voltage electricity from the Oregon Clean Energy Center power plant to the area’s grid. The siting board is expected to approve the project and, if it does, project work is to start in October and end in May.
The siting board will conduct an accelerated review because the planned line extensions are less than 2 miles long. No public hearing is required. The investigation report for the project is due Sept. 23. Unless board members raise objections to the project, said siting board spokesman Matt Butler, it will receive automatic approval Sept. 30.
The connection will enable the power plant, once it is operating, to supply electricity to the grid serving the Toledo area.
North American Project Development LLC, a Boston-based energy group, is developing the Oregon Clean Energy Center through an entity it has set up, Oregon Clean Energy LLC.
Oregon Clean Energy LLC, which is building the power plant that is to be fueled by natural gas, is paying for the transmission line work.
The $800-million power plant is scheduled for completion in 2017.
Meanwhile, North Coast Gas Transmission LLC has gained approval for the Oregon Lateral pipeline, a 24-inch, 22-mile line that will supply natural gas to the plant. The gas will be supplied by the Panhandle Eastern Pipe Co. and ANR Pipeline Co. The pipeline has encountered resistance from residents along its proposed path around metro Toledo.